Muzyka, News

Nie znasz #10

Z dziesiątym odcinkiem Nie Znasz wracamy po krótkiej przerwie. W jej trakcie opisywani kilka tygodni temu Artificial Pleasure ogłosili koncert na Soundrive Festivalu a wspomniany w poprzedniej części Netherfriends zdołał nagrać dwie płyty. Brzmi jak kawał czasu, prawda? No cóż – te długie dwa tygodnie wynagradzamy leczniczym dream popem z Walii i rewelacją zakończonego SXSW. […]


Beauty and a sense of love. An interview with Robin Wattie (Big Brave)

I first discovered Big Brave through their live performances, where the overwhelming wall of sound and Robin Wattie’s piercing vocals did more than just assault the ears—they seemed to reach deep into the souls of the audience. After delivering several powerful albums, the band surprised us with a collaboration with The Body, where they explored […]


Piękno i poczucie miłości. Wywiad z Robin Wattie (Big Brave)

Zaistnieli w mojej świadomości dzięki swoim koncertom, gdzie masywna ściana dźwięku i przeszywający wokal Robin Wattie miażdzyły uszy i… dusze słuchaczy. Po kilku solidnych płytach zaskoczyli nas jednak kollabo z The Body, na którym… zagrali ludowe pieśni folkowe. Czy jest coś, czego Big Brave nie potrafią? To wydawnictwo było początkiem dla subtelnej, ale konsekwentnej zmiany […]


Jeder mensch ist ein Künstler. An interview with Dave Phillips

Tekst: Dawid Kowalski If there in any satisfaction and fun left in anything for me, it must be music. I have an inner sense that as the timeline progresses, everything, the entire reality and consciousness itself become more intense, unpleasant and bring the need to entirely “detach” from the overarching external stimuli. Music feels like […]


Bad questions: Yard Act

Yard Act do seem like a band with many bold opinions and ability to talk and anyone who ever saw them live can confirm. And we do like people with bold opinions. And we love asking them some bad questions. As you’ll see, James Smith (vocalist) and Sam Shjipstone (guitarist) even have an opinion about […]


Soundtrack Of My Life: Sean Nicholas Savage

In 2020 – as the pandemic took a little summer break and polish officials allowed to organize small outdoor concerts, I went to Opole to my beloved Songwriters Festival. Two days of fun came to close with an outstanding concert of Sean Nicholas Savage who performed in a rather small tent during an enormous storm […]

English 1 comment on Everyone is a hypocrite. An interview with Amyl and the Sniffers

Everyone is a hypocrite. An interview with Amyl and the Sniffers

Speaking via zoom with Australian bands is always kind of weird. You finish your first coffee, they’re almost in their beds. You’ve just came back from a big festival, even though there’s still pandemic raging here – they’re on strict lockdown and curfew, despite their pandemic situation being significantly better. Oh, and there’s always at […]